Online 1:1 Acting Classes incorporating the LAMDA Syllabus
We are currently offering online video conferencing acting classes which incorporate the LAMDA (London Academy of Dramatic Art) syllabus, whereby students are able to work on scenes chosen from an assortment of plays. As we are not currently offering LAMDA exams (although this may well change in the future), we are offering an introduction (or, in some cases, a continuation) of the LAMDA syllabus for children to take part in, online with one or two teachers, who are professional actors themselves.
These acting classes are a great way of experiencing one-on-one tuition from professional actors, without the worry of others commenting on your work and without the challenge of a noisy class room. They are designed for all levels; both the confident and those who may lack confidence generally and who want to get some help finding their voice. There is absolutely no pressure during these sessions; the students should find them fun and engaging. All we ask is that the students are prepared to learn the scenes by heart.
We will provide a range of scenes suitable for each student’s age group and experience, from which they can choose. From there we will work together on understanding the text, the character, the genre and help with staging the piece. Even though this will not currently lead to an exam, it is a great way of helping children develop their confidence and, for those who want to move onto taking LAMDA exams, it is a perfect introduction. Those students who have already taken LAMDA exams and are looking to work on the next level up, can also work with us.
If you have children who are interested in working together and are a minimum of 7 years old, we also provide duologues where the siblings can work together. Friends can even work together. If your child has a friend they like working with and both are keen on acting, then this could be a great way of keeping in touch via video conferencing. They can be present at the same class and then arrange other times to rehearse via their own video conferencing App. This can be great fun and a lot of children love working together and feeding off each other. However, both children, will need to be equally committed to learning the text and wanting to work on the scene for some time.
During these classes we will work on exercises to help get the students’ voice and body warmed up and ready to work on the text. We will also provide a list of various tongue twisters for the students to work on at home, which we will then use in the class. These are a great way of warming up quickly which can be used in all aspects of life when having to speak in public.
All texts will be provided and the students can decide which piece they would like to work on. A folder will be provided to keep all notes, scripts, exercises etc. together.
The aim of the classes, and what is expected in LAMDA exams, will be for the students to be able to perform a scene from memory, clearly and audibly. They will need to be able to use vocal skills, as well as face and body movement, in response to the text, which is appropriate to the character. They should know and understand the character and be able to answer questions relating to the scene i.e. describing what is happening in the scene, how their character is feeling and where they have come from.
For further information about the LAMDA Syllabus, please visit our What is LAMDA page.
For the Student:
What is expected of me and what will I learn?
For the Student:
What is expected of me and what will I learn?
What is expected of me…
• To learn a scene from memory and to be able to perform it
• To learn how to warm up my voice and body before performing
• To learn how to articulate clearly and audibly
• To learn how to understand a character from looking at the text and working out how the character feels and moves, where they’ve come from and where they are hoping to go next
• To learn how to formally introduce myself and the piece, and be able to describe the scene I am playing
BUT, most importantly, it’s to have FUN!
What Drama Workshops aims to do for you…
• Teach you vocal and physical warm ups
• Work through the text with you, helping you to understand the character and what is going on in the scene
• Block the scene with you (set your positioning and moves throughout the scene)
• Work with you on the scene, listening to your ideas and offering ours
• Give you constructive criticism to help with the character, your movement and the scene in general, making sure you are clear and can be heard easily
• Give you exercises that may help with movement of the character
• Help with presentation skills needed when introducing yourself and the piece
• Encourage you and have fun in a relaxed atmosphere
Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
Whilst the current Lockdown arrangements are in place, Drama Workshops will be providing online video acting classes for one or two students at a time. At the beginning there will be two tutors present, Camilla Vella and David Hinton, who are partners in Drama Workshops. Both are professional actors with over 50 years’ experience between them and both have up-to-date Enhanced DBS Certificates and a Safe-Guarding Level 2 qualification. For the purposes of these Term & Conditions, Camilla Vella and David Hinton will be referred to as Drama Workshops.
1. These lessons must be delivered using a parent or carer’s device: no school or personal laptops/tablets of the student can be used;
2. ZOOM will be the method of video conferencing Drama Workshops will be using. Therefore the parent/carer should
download the App and register the account. When lessons are about to take place the parent/carer must log in and not the pupil;
3. The ZOOM video will be initiated by the parent/carer who will contact Drama Workshops on ZOOM at the agreed time. Drama Workshops will confirm the agreed date and time of the lessons in advance and forward to the parent/carer the Meeting ID and password via email;
4. All participants must wear suitable (as should anyone else in the household whilst the lesson is taking place);
5. The lesson must take place in a suitable room and NOT a bedroom. A quiet room, without any distractions, is preferable;
6. All lessons must be supervised by an adult with parental responsibility for the pupil. Drama Workshops will check that a parent/carer is present at the start of the lesson and the lesson will be terminated if no such adult is seen;
7. Students must not share any files other than music or relevant supporting materials over ZOOM;
8. Students must not share any content with Drama Workshops over social media;
9. All other web browsers and programmes on the device must be closed before starting the lesson;
10. Students/Parents/Carers with any safe-guarding concerns should email dramaworkshops@live.co.uk immediately.
The Terms & Conditions outlined above are based on the current government and DFE guidance on video-conferencing for schools.
Further guidance can be found here:
Terms & Conditions for Online Video Conferencing 06052020