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Schools Booking Form & 

Payment Facility

Please complete a Booking Form, click SUBMIT and then scroll down to the Payment Facility to choose the appropriate payment option.  

​Once you have completed BOTH sections you will receive a confirmation email. 

Term Dates for Spring 2025

Week Commencing 6th January - Week Commencing 24th March 2025


(see your booking flier for term dates for your particular school as they may vary from the above dates - please visit next page)


Alexandra Y3-6 - Tuesdays 3.25-4.25

Christ Church New Malden Y1-2 - Mondays  12.00-12.30 Y2 ; 12.30-1.00 Y1                      

Christ Church New Malden Y3-6 - Thursdays 3.20-4.20

Christ Church Surbiton Y1-2 - Tuesdays 3.30-4.30      

Christ Church Surbiton Y3-6 - Wednesdays 3.30-4.30 

Nonsuch Y1-6 - Mondays 3.15-4.15         

Our Lady Immaculate Y1-6 - Fridays 3.20-4.20

SASM Y3-6 - Mondays 3.30-4.30

St Agatha's Tuesdays - Y1 - 12.00-12.30; Y2 - 12.30 - 1.00

St Agatha's Wednesdays  Y3&4 - 12,.15-12.45; Y5&5 - 12.45-1.15 

St John's Y1-6 - Thursdays 3.30-4.30 

St Matthew's Y1-6 - Fridays 3.20-4.20  

TDJS Y3-6 - Wednesdays 3.20-4.20  

Please note...

  • Places are not held from one term to the next; 

  • Places are limited and are on a first-come-first-served basis each term;

  • Only children booked onto the club prior to the first day can attend; 

  • Booking forms must be completed online each term;

  • Should a club be cancelled due to school closure we will endeavour to reschedule the class. However, if this is not possible, refunds will not be made;

  • Missed clubs due to trips organised after the booking fliers are sent out will not be eligible for a refund.; 

  • If you change your mind about your child’s place or make a mistake, as long as a replacement is found and paid for, you can receive a refund minus a £10.00 administration fee, otherwise you will be liable for the full term's fees.

  • Unacceptable behaviour within the club will not be tolerated and, if persistent, will result in being asked to leave.

Booking Form

Spring 2025 Booking Form


Please double check that spaces are available before booking (see individual schools below).  If you pay for a place and it is listed as being booked then you will be liable for PayPal's fees.  Similarly if you pay for an after school club instead of a lunchtime club or vice versa, you will be liable for PayPal's fees.  This is a new charge that PayPal brought into practice in October 2023.


Walking Home Alone

After School Club

Occasionally Drama Workshops will have to provide online video drama clubs when clubs are unable to run on site. Please confirm your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions as set out below.

Thank you! Your message was sent successfully. Please scroll below to make payment by selecting the correct payment option for your school.

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Payment Facility

Please check below which class your child will be attending before making payment

Lunchtime School Clubs



Christ Church New Malden (Infants)

St Agatha's 

After School Clubs 



Christ Church New Malden (Y3-6)

Christ Church Surbiton (Y1-2 & Y3-6)

Nonsuch (Y1-6)

Our Lady Immaculate (Y1-6)

SASM (Y3-6)

St John's (Y1-6)

St Matthew's (Y1-6)

TDJS (Y3-6)

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Payment Facility

Please note there is a nominal transaction fee of 50p added to each booking to cover a small proportion of the transaction fees charged to Drama Workshops by PayPal.


If you are experiencing difficulties paying via your mobile phone, please use a computer.  Thank you and apologies for any inconvenience.   

​Terms and Conditions

Occasionally Drama Workshops will provide online video drama clubs when drama clubs are not able to be run on site. The tutors are Camilla Vella and David Hinton, who are partners in Drama Workshops. Both are professional actors with over 50 years’ experience between them and both have up-to-date Enhanced DBS Certificates and a Safe-Guarding Level 2 qualification. For the purposes of these Term & Conditions, Camilla Vella and David Hinton will be referred to as Drama Workshops. 


1. These lessons must be delivered using a parent or carer’s device: no school or personal laptops/tablets of the student can be used;


2. ZOOM will be the method of video conferencing Drama Workshops will be using. Therefore the parent/carer should download the App and register the account. When lessons are about to take place the parent/carer must log in and not the pupil;


3. The ZOOM video will be initiated by the parent/carer who will contact Drama Workshops on ZOOM at the agreed time. Drama Workshops will confirm the agreed date and time of the lessons in advance and forward to the parent/carer the Meeting ID and password via email;


4. All participants must wear suitable clothing (as should anyone else in the household whilst the lesson is taking place);


5. The lesson must take place in a suitable room and NOT a bedroom.  A quiet room, without any distractions, is preferable;


6. All lessons must be supervised by an adult with parental responsibility for the pupil. Drama Workshops will check that a parent/carer is present at the start of the lesson and the lesson will be terminated if no such adult is seen;


7. Students must not share any files other than music or relevant supporting materials over ZOOM;


8. Students must not share any content with Drama Workshops over social media;


9. All other web browsers and programs on the device must be closed before starting the lesson; 


10. Students/Parents/Carers with any safe-guarding concerns should email immediately.


The Terms & Conditions outlined above are based on the current government and DFE guidance on video-conferencing for schools.

Further guidance can be found here: 



            Terms & Conditions for Online Video Conferencing 06052020


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